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小學英語《In a nature park會話課》試講稿

http://nipponairdeals.com 2024-07-17 15:27 中國教師資格網(wǎng) [您的教師考試網(wǎng)]

Good morning, dear judges. Today, it’s my honor to stand here to present my lesson. First of all, let me introduce myself. I am candidate No.X, applying for primary English teacher. Today, my topic is In a Nature Park. Now I’m ready.

Step 1. Warm-up and Lead-in

T: Class begins! Good morning boys and girls, welcome to my English class. It’s very nice to meet you again. Today, before our class, let’s sing a song together. OK, let’s begin.

Follow my right hand, left hand, come on, look my way;

left hand, right hand, show my dream and faith.

OK, boys and girls, do you know who sings this song? Any volunteers? Rick, have a try!

S: ...

T: Yes, very good. TF boys sing this song. Do you like TF boys? Who are they? Can anyone share your idea with us? Bob, you please!

S: …

T: OK, very good. They are Wang Junkai, Wang Yuan and Yi Yangqianxi. Good news for you! TF boys are going to visit our school and travel with you together. Are you excited? Yeah! Where do you want to go? Lily, you please.

S: …

T: Oh, you want to go hiking. Very good. Thank you. Sit down please. Steven, you please.

S: …

T: Oh, you want to climb mountains. Not bad. Thank you. Sit down please. You want to go outside and have fun, right? Today, let’s go to a nature park with TF boys. So, today we will learn a lesson about the nature park. Let’s move to today’s class.

Step 2. Presentation

T: Look at this picture, who are in the nature park now? Yes, Miss White and some children. They also have fun in the nature park. What are they talking about? Do you want to know? Now let’s listen to the tape for the first time. After that, I will invite some of you to answer the question. Are you ready? Now, let’s begin.【播放錄音】

T: OK, who can answer the question? John, you please.

S: …

T: Very good, they are talking about forest. Can you guess what they can see in the forest? Oh, I’m not sure about it. Now, let’s listen to the tape for the second time and check whether you made the right guesses. Are you ready? Now, let’s begin.【播放錄音】

T: Time’s up. “Is there a river in the forest?” and “Is there a lake in this forest?” Any volunteers? Who wants to have a try? Nick, you please. Is there a river in the forest?

S: …

T: Very good. No, there isn’t a river in the forest. Thank you. Sit down, please. Emma, you please. Is there a lake in this forest?

S: …

T: Oh, sorry. You can think about this question again and look for the answer in your book. Come on, you can do it.

S: …

T: Very good. You are right this time. There is a lake in the forest. Thank you. Sit down, please. Now, look at the blackboard. 【指向黑板】There are some sentences on the blackboard. And read after me. “Is there a river in the forest?” “Is there a lake in this forest?” “Yes, there is.” “No, there isn’t.”【領讀句子】

S: …

T: Very good and pay attention to your pronunciation “Is there …”. Now look at these pictures and listen to me carefully. “Is there a hill in the forest?” “Is there a tree in the forest?” “Is there a pool in the forest?” 【教師邊讀邊做出上揚的手勢,引導學生關注一般疑問句的語調】

S: …

T: OK, boys and girls, you are very good. Now, let’s listen to the tape again. This time, you should read after it. Now, let’s begin.【播放錄音】

S: …

Step 3. Practice

T: Very good, you’ve done a very good job. Next, let’s do a role-play game. All of you, two students are in a group. One plays the part of Zhang Peng, the other plays the part of Miss White. And you should practice the dialogue in this lesson. You can prepare for the role-play now. And then, I will play another game to choose someone of you to act it out. Let’s get it.

S: …

T: OK, stop here please. Boys and girls, I will play a game called “Hot potato” to choose the group who is going to show their dialogue in the class. Do you know how to play it?

S: …

T: OK, let me introduce the rule of it. I will play a piece of music and you should pass this ball one by one. Yes, this ball in my hand. When I stop the music, which group gets the ball will show the role-play for us. Am I clear?

S: …

T: Good, you are very clever. Let’s begin.【播放音樂】Oh, Tom, you get the ball. Come here please. Everyone claps for his group.

S: …

T: Your group has done a very good job. But you should pay attention to your pronunciation “Is there”. OK, back to your seat. Let’s choose another group.【播放音樂】

S: …

T: Lily, your group please. Come here.

S: …

Step 4. Consolidation

T: Wonderful, let’s clap for her group. Back to your seat, please. Next, I will divide the whole class in groups and make a survey about your group members’ favorite places. One student asks “Is there…?”; other students can answer “Yes, there is.” or “No, there isn’t.” Then you need to make a report. Afterwards, I will invite some groups to share in the class. Do you like it?

S: …

T: Good, you can make a chart like this:

Is there…in the …?

Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

S: …

T: OK, Bob, your group please. Come here.

S: …

T: Very nice, you talk about your favorite place and tell us what kinds of things there are. OK, please go back to your seat.

Step 5. Summary

Next, let’s summarize this lesson. Who can summarize what we have learnt in this class? Any volunteers?

S: …

T: Jerry, you please.

S: …

T: Very good, we have learnt the sentences like “Is there…”; “Yes, there is.” and “No, there isn’t.” Besides that, we have learnt how to introduce places we like to others. And we should also remember we should take care of our environment and love the nature. Am I right?

S: …

Step 6. Homework

T: And, it is almost the end of our class. After this class, we should observe and draw a picture about our school after class. And you can introduce the picture with the new learned sentences to your parents. Next class, I will invite someone to share in the class. Am I clear?

S: …

T: Good, class is over, see you boys and girls.








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