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初中英語《What did you do last weekend》試講稿

http://nipponairdeals.com 2019-04-16 13:58 中國教師資格網(wǎng) [您的教師考試網(wǎng)]

T: Good morning, boys and girls. How is it going?

S: Fine, and you?

T: I am fine too, thank you.

Step1: Warming-up&Lead-in

T: Before our class, I want to ask you a question. Do you still remember the simple present tense in English? Could you explain it to us? Danial, you please.

S: ...

T: Very good, good memory. Simple present tense is used to express a regular action, the original form of verbs is its’ predicate. But today, we are going to learn another tense similar to the simple present tense, that is simple past tense.

Step2: Presentation&Explanation

T: I have prepared a video for you, after your watching, try to tell me what the people are talking about, at the same time, pay attention to the predicate form of each sentence. Now, you can start.

S: ...

T: The video is over, who wants to tell us what they are talking about in the video? Stephan you please.

S: They are talking about what they do on last weekend.

T: Are you sure Stephan? Think about it again, it talks about something happened in the past, right? So, can we still use simple present tense?

S: Euh....I understand, but I am not sure which tense I should use.

T: Well, let me tell you, actually, here we should use simple past tense, this is a new grammar for us, let me explain it to you. Simple past tense is used to describe something happened in the past time. So, if there are some expressions of time about past like “yesterday, last year...”, remember to use simple past tense. Its’ predicate form should also be in the past form. In general, we only have to plus a suffix -ed to the verb, but there are some irregular verbs, their transformation is not regular, we need to memorize them, such as was, were, did...

Step3: Practice

T: Are you clear now? Ok, let’s do some practice. Here I will give you some sentences on the PPT, try to fill in the blanks using the correct verb. You can work in group of four and five minutes later, I will invite you to share your answers. Now, start.

S: ...

T: Time is up, each group answers one question, now begin, goup1.

S: ...

T: Well done, Mike played basketball yesterday. “played” is in the simple past tense. Group2, please.


Step4: Production

T: It seems that you all have mastered the simple past tense, so now, you can read the dialogue on your book, try to underline what the people did last weekend, and then you can make some dialogue with your partner to discuss what you did last weekend, now you can start preparing.

S: ...

T: Time is up, which group wants to have a performance? Group1 please.


T: Well done, Lily, you stayed at home on the weekend, because you had a cold. And Stephan, you played basketball with your partner. You are all good guys. Other group wants to have a try?



Step5: Summary&Homework

T: How time flies, class is almost over, who can tell me what we have learned this class?

S: ...

T: Yes, we have learned the simple past tense. Pay attention to its’ predicate form and time adverbial. At the same time, we know how to talk about our weekends. After class, I hope you can practice more and write some sentences to describe your own weekend, next class, let’s share it. Class is over, good bye everyone.



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